Authors - P. K. Paul, A. Bhuimali, Kalishankar Tiwary, P. S. Aithal, R. Rajesh
Abstract : Digital business is one of the important and valuable industries’ name today and it is the combination of business and IT components and its uses. The application of digital technologies or IT Applications in the business and organizations in contemporary age is also called Digital Business. Digital Business plays a leading role in the behavior study of the consumer of organizations. Different kind of professionals of an organization and company viz. directors, executive members, general professionals, people etc have great role in the applications and in Digital systems into their system. Ultimately these help in better relationship with the customers, collaborate and business operation and thus it is a people-centric approach and also processes to enable different stakeholders viz. customers, employees, managers, etc. Hence it is about the employing different kind of IT and Computing products, tools and technologies in the current age for promoting business functions. Hence a Digital Business is about making digital business venture and also making digital environment of an enterprise and corporate bodies. The interconnections and ecosystem of an organization and companies become perfect with the help of Digital Business and it is for the betterment of the corporate houses and thus digital business also helps in common people and to work effectively. This is important to note that in recent past Digital Business has becomes a field of study due to its importance and applications in different areas. The leading universities internationally are offering a different kind of programs leading to a degree in the field of Digital Business. In this paper, a case study cum policy based research is considered emphasizing Masters program in Digital Business.
Keywords : IT Applications, Digital Business, Universities, MSc, Higher Education, Digital Innovations, Business Promotion.
Authors - P. K. Paul, A. Bhuimali, Kalishankar Tiwary, P. S. Aithal, R. Rajesh
Abstract : The world is become Digital day by day and thus activities, features and sectors and different spaces are highly associated with Digital Tools, Techniques and Technologies. Education domain becomes highly technology enabled in recent past and this strategy is rising out and as a result various concepts, areas and domains have been created viz. Education Technology, E Learning, Online Education, Blended Learning and as a whole this concept and this area may be called as a Digital Education/ Digital Learning. Internationally many universities have started educational programs leading to Bachelors and Masters Degree in respect of Digital Education and its subfields (mentioned above). The awards are offered in different subjects and are taged with concentration and major in this area. The Digital Education becomes an important area of research as well due to its importance, many universities have started research program leading to PhD and other professional doctorate degrees. This study is concentrated on Masters degrees in the field of Digital Education and Digital Learning which are available internationally, based on selected research methodologies. This paper emphasizes the role, growth and values of Digital Education and Learning including future growth and stakeholders in this field.
Keywords : Digital Education, E Learning, Higher Education, Digitalization, MSc (Digital Education), International Universities, Professional Degrees
Authors - Dr. Sujatha Anand, Alice christy , Angel Natchatra. S, Chrisilla S
Abstract : Disaster Management accords with the response to the management of resources and property. It is the exigency in today’s world. Flooding has become a global pervasive in the past decades which hampers economical and social development. This project endeavours an integrated flood risk management system employing a magnetic reed switch interfaced with microprocessor Arduino UNO using microcontroller 328p. The build out in the architecture of the buildings into apartments and complexes have made a requisite for basements. This device is hence installed in the parking lot and basement of apartments, malls and corporate buildings as the water reaches a particular level the reed switch gets closed generating an alert .The residents of the apartment or the authorities of the building get an SMS through GSM module followed by an alarm. Now once excess water starts accumulating, water suction motor is used to remove water to prevent the rapid rise of water. Thus the reed switch is interfaced with arduino for flood detection and the raising water level in the basement of buildings and alert people for easy evacuation. The comparison of the reed switch and the previously used sensors is done and the results are obtained.
Keywords : Magnetic Reed Switch, Arduino UNO, GSM